On August 14, 2018, in Chase County v. City of Imperial, the Nebraska Court of Appeals decided a case that is helpful to hospitals and medical providers. The Court held that a law enforcement agency can be held financially liable for medical services provided to an arrested person even if […]
Health Law Alert
18-Year Olds May Now Consent to Mental Health Services in Nebraska
As college freshmen begin class this fall, most are now permitted to consent to mental health services in Nebraska. This past legislative session, Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-2101, Nebraska’s definition of minors statute, underwent a small, but meaningful change. It added the ability for 18-year olds to consent to mental health […]
Hospital Price Transparency
Per the hospital inpatient final rule that was published in the Federal Register on August 17, 2018, effective January 1, 2019, hospitals must make available a list of their current standard charges via the internet in a machine readable format and must update this information at least annually, or more […]
Website for Determining if Location Qualifies as a Medicare Telehealth Originating Site
Have you wondered how to determine whether your location is eligible for a Medicare telehealth originating site payment? If you have, the Health Resources & Services Administration (“HRSA”), which is a federal agency, has an easy, accessible method for doing just this. You simply bring up the web site and […]
Case Law Update: The Iowa Supreme Court Extends Iowa’s Informed Consent Doctrine
On June 15, 2018, the Iowa Supreme Court, in Andersen v. Khanna1, broadened the scope of Iowa’s informed consent doctrine by requiring physicians to disclose their personal information if such information would be material in a reasonable patient’s decision whether or not to undergo a proposed procedure. In 2004, Dr. […]