Douglas County Property Valuation Protests due June 30
The Douglas County Assessor values properties located in Douglas County as of January 1 of each year with final valuations set on or about May 1 of each year. If a property owner disagrees with the property value that the Assessor assigns, the owner may file a Property Valuation Protest with the Douglas County Board of Equalization (“BOE”) between the dates of June 1 and June 30 (June 29 if filing online). The BOE provides directions on how to file a protest on its website.
Property values can change each year for a number of reasons including market trends, property improvements or destruction, or positive or adverse outside influences on the property. The Assessor places a value on each parcel or property using three basic approaches: (1) comparable sales, (2) cost (less depreciation where appropriate), and (3) income earning ability.
The BOE reviews filed protests and provides property owners notice of its decision by August 10. If you are dissatisfied with the BOE’s decision, you may appeal to the Nebraska Tax Equalization and Review Commission (“TERC”).
As a cautionary note, each year’s property valuation stands on its own. As such, property owners must file a Property Valuation Protest for each year they disagree with their valuation. This is true even if the property owner has an appeal pending with TERC.