105th Nebraska Legislature Bill Summary
The Nebraska Legislature has twelve legislative days left in the 2017 session. This week, the Legislature will finalize the biennial budget in an effort to close the projected $900 million shortfall. Also, the Legislature may again take up a measure to fund property tax, and potentially, income tax, relief (AM 1353 to LB 233) by eliminating the historic tax credit and new markets tax credit programs as well as several other tax credits for Nebraska businesses and their owners.
Here is a chart of the bills we are following related to economic development, energy, liquor, municipal law, real estate, tax increment financing, taxes and the Tax Equalization Review Commission, and water. Copies of all bills are available on the Nebraska Legislature’s website at http://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/.
Please contact us if you have questions about these bills or any others. Thank you.