106th Nebraska Legislature, Second Session
The Second Session of the Nebraska Legislature convened January 8, 2020. This Dirt Alert provides an update on certain bills introduced during Days 6-10 of the Second Session related to economic development, municipal law, real estate, renewable energy, taxation, and water/natural resources law. Here is a list of the bills we are tracking and their current status. Bills of interest carried over from the First Session of the 106th Nebraska Legislature are available below the 2020 chart.
The following bills warrant particular attention:
- LB1132 would change provisions related to net metering so that a local distribution facility may charge each customer-generator that generates more than five kilowatts a separate net-meting monthly administrative fee.
- LB1205 would require public power suppliers to provide increasing amounts of renewable energy to consumers.
We testified in opposition to LB818 because it would apply an inflation factor to depreciating property.
We will provide summaries of these bills in the coming week.
Copies of all bills are available on the Nebraska Legislature’s website at http://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/. Please contact us if you have questions about these bills or any others. Thank you.
David C. Levy
Vanessa A. Silke
Michael D. Sands
Addison E. Fairchild