For the fourth consecutive year, Baird Holm LLP has successfully met the criteria to achieve the National Safety Council Nebraska’s Award of Honor With Distinction. Read the full press release.
In the News
Steven D. Davidson Quoted in Norfolk Daily News Article About the Utility Industry in Nebraska
Steven D. Davidson was quoted in Norfolk Daily News article, “Wholesale customers looking at alternatives to NPPD” on May 16, 2015. The article covers the reasons some wholesale customers of the Nebraska Public Power District are exploring other power providers.
David C. Levy and Jon E. Blumenthal Elected to the American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Congratulations to Partners David C. Levy and Jon E. Blumenthal who have been elected as Fellows of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers (ACREL). ACREL is the premier, peer-selected organization of U.S. real estate lawyers who are recognized for their outstanding legal ability, experience and high standards of professional […]
Thomas O. Ashby Discusses Jury Waivers in the American Bankruptcy Institute Journal
Thomas O. Ashby’s article “Jury Waivers in Pre-Petition Documents as Binding on a Trustee in Avoidance Actions” is featured in the April 2015, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal. The article can be viewed here.
Scott P. Moore Discusses Policies About Service and Assistance Animals on College Campuses
Scott P. Moore was quoted in an United Educators article, “Student and Visitor Use of Service and Assistance Animals.” The article discusses current policies regarding service and assistance animals on college campuses and what steps universities can take in order to comply.