Baird Holm LLP is pleased to introduce the 2015 Best Places to Work in Omaha® winners. The Best Places to Work in Omaha® initiative is an annual program created by Baird Holm LLP and sponsored by the Greater Omaha Chamber which provides the opportunity for local employers to learn more […]
In the News
Jonathan J. Wegner Quoted in Paybefore Article Discussing NACS Interchange Appeal
Jonathan J. Wegner was quoted in a Paybefore Pay News article, “Supreme Court Says ‘No’ to Hearing NACS Interchange Appeal” on January 20, 2015. The article discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to not hear retailers’ challenge to the Federal Reserve’s debit card interchange fees, enforcing a lower court’s decision to keep […]
Thomas O. Ashby’s Article, “Clawback Actions in Bankruptcy: Three Ideas for a Defendant,” Published in the November 2014 South Dakota Bar Newsletter
Thomas O. Ashby’s article, “Clawback Actions in Bankruptcy: Three Ideas for a Defendant,” published in the November 2014 South Dakota Bar Newsletter.
Richard E. Putnam Discusses the Firm’s 2015 Plans for Continued Growth
Baird Holm’s Managing Partner, Richard E. Putnam, discusses the Firm’s 2015 plans for continued growth through its comprehensive hiring strategy and additional practice area development in today’s Midlands Business Journal.
Baird Holm’s Richard E. Putnam Named Fellow of the American Bar Foundation
Congratulations to Richard E. Putnam, who has been elected to The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation (ABF). Membership in The Fellows of the ABF is limited to one percent of lawyers licensed to practice in each state. Members are nominated by The Fellows in their jurisdiction and elected by the ABF […]