Jeremy Christensen joins David Kramer to discuss recent Department of Labor guidance on the fiduciary prudence of applying a socially conscious analysis to the selection of retirement plan investments and of including cryptocurrencies as a plan investment alternative. Jeremy and David explore the application of ERISA’s high fiduciary standards to […]
Baird Holm Banter® – A Legal Podcast
Equity Compensation Alternatives: Keys for Retaining and Recruiting Talent
In this episode, Hannah Fischer Frey and Morgan Kreiser join David Kramer to discuss equity compensation alternatives for all types of employers and businesses. Hannah and Morgan have seen an increase of equity compensation arrangements by employers in an effort to attract and retain key employees, directors, and management. Tune in to […]
1782 Actions – Obtaining U.S. Discovery for Use in International Proceedings and Investigations
In this episode of Baird Holm Banter, David Kramer and Jeremy Hollembeak discuss an increasingly popular, international feature of U.S. law called “1782 Actions” (so-named because they are authorized by Section 1782 of title 28 of the United States Code). 1782 Actions allow parties to proceedings before courts or tribunals […]
Defending Against California Lawsuits
Mark Goldsmith joins David Kramer to talk about the challenges that employers face when defending against lawsuits filed in California state court. Mark will discuss how procedures have evolved to make litigating remotely more cost effective, as well as some of the differences that make California cases unique. Listen here.
Doobie Do’s and Doobie Don’ts: Cannabis Banking
Hannes Zetzsche and Eli Rosenberg join host David Kramer for a wide ranging discussion on cannabis banking. This episode covers the legal treatment of cannabis on both the federal and state levels and what issues and challenges banks face in providing financial services to these businesses. Listen here.