In this episode of Baird Holm Banter, David Kramer and David (Dewey) Kennison discuss what employers can expect when faced with a lawsuit. Dewey will provide an overview of the process from start to finish and highlight ways that employers can help counsel defend litigation. Listen here.
Baird Holm Banter® – A Legal Podcast
Commercial Credit Facilities – Borrower Considerations
In this episode of Baird Holm Banter, David Kramer is joined by Aaron Johnson to discuss considerations for corporate borrowers as they negotiate and execute commercial loans. Listen here.
Why Employers Should Consider Doing a Wage & Hour Audit
In this episode, David Kramer and Allie Balus discuss the basics of wage and hour law and why employers should consider undertaking periodic wage and hour audits to ensure compliance and strengthen its defenses. Listen here.
Solar Energy Development
In this episode of Baird Holm Banter, David Levy and Lee Greenwald join David Kramer to discuss solar energy development, its benefits, and Nebraska’s regulatory landscape. Listen here.
Tax Increment Financing Truths & Myths
In this episode of Baird Holm Banter, David Kramer is joined by Michael Sands to discuss how Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) works, how it benefits cities and developers, and some of the common misconceptions related to its use. Listen here.