The legislatures in Iowa and Nebraska both updated licensure statues for physician assistants (PAs) in 2020. The focuses of the statutory amendments were slightly different in the two states, but both had the effect of providing greater PA independence from their supervising physicians. Legislative action gained steam after nurse practitioners […]
Health Law Alert
Admit, Discharge, Transfer – The New Condition of Participation. Are You Ready?
While providers have been gearing up for compliance with the Information Blocking Rule, the compliance date for the less often cited but no less important revision to the Conditions of Participation (“CoPs”) requiring “Electronic Notifications” is also just around the corner on May 1, 2021. At the same time that […]
New Year, New Rule? OCR Proposes Changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule
While 2020 saw the publication of the other final rules comprising the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (“HHS”) “Regulatory Sprint to Coordinated Care,” the long-awaited proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule were published on December 10, 2020. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) addresses several anticipated changes […]
The Healthcare Act You Don’t Know
While not the first Act that comes to mind associated with healthcare, healthcare entities should remain on notice of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). The TCPA regulates the use of automatic telephone dialing systems (“ATDS”) in making calls or sending text messages and the use of a pre-recorded or […]
Congress changes “lost revenue” calculation for Provider Relief Funds; HHS delays initial reporting deadline
Much like Marty McFly and Doc Brown in the popular “Back to the Future” movie franchise, Congress turned back the clock on the “lost revenue” calculation for Provider Relief Fund (“PRF”) reporting. Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (“CRRSA”) (Pub. L. 116-260), which was signed into […]