Michael W. Chase has published an article in the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA) Practice Group email alert. The article, “ONC’s SAFER Guides: Another Resource to Optimize EHR Use,” was published on January 17, 2014, and sent to the Health Information and Technology and Health Care Liability and Litigation Practice […]
In the News
Omaha by Design and UNO Publish Findings on Financing Urban Redevelopment and the Value of Public Transportation
Omaha by Design and UNO’s School of Public Administration prepared a report entitled “Financing Tools for Urban Redevelopment”. Among other things, this report discusses the importance and value of historic tax credits as a tool for redevelopment and revitalization. Omaha by Design and UNO also worked together on a white […]
Stephanie A. Mattoon Selected as TOYO Recipient
Baird Holm LLP congratulates Stephanie A. Mattoon on being selected as a recipient of the TOYO (Ten Outstanding Young Omahans) Award. Recipients were announced Jan. 2 in the Omaha World Herald. “We are very proud of Stephanie,” said Baird Holm’s Managing Partner Richard E. Putnam. “She is very deserving […]
Terrence P. Maher Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Banking Daily Article
Terrence P. Maher was quoted in an article, “Consumer Bureau Urges Banks to Disclose Product Partnerships with Schools,” on December 18, 2013. The article discusses the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) interest in bank accounts, debit cards and prepaid cards that are linked to student IDs at colleges and universities.
Kelli P. Lieurance Published in NALA’s “Facts & Findings” Magazine
Kelli P. Lieurance has published an article in the Association of Legal Assistants and Paralegals’ (NALA) Facts & Findings Magazine. The article “The Collision of Technology and the Workplace,” was published in the November/December 2013 edition of the magazine. The article discusses various legal issues that have developed with social […]